You, Tube Worms!

You Tube Worms

… a list of my YouTube favourites and some restrained words that do not describe cases but talk about how creators/users need to create an external legal entity for resolving issues with the company …

– it’s a wide world –

There’s a lot of unhappy energy coming directly from YouTube lately, though this may always have been the case, it appears to have got worse as comments by creators and users keep mentioning it and when I see such opinions also in my Fediverse feed it can’t just be coincidental.

I have only really used YouTube since 2021; having been an infrequent visitor before.
It was something to do during the pandemic and 2022 was the first year I felt I had found “my people” on YouTube.
Of course, unlike using Twitter to follow people I already knew, the like-minded individuals were mainly recommendations of the algorithms and “the dark forces of media influence” which have their own highly criminal motives.

– world of entertainment –

AdamSomething (millionaire) was probably the first of the pandemic-era I followed (without subscribing) followed by Belinda Carr (architect) but there were others like money-&-life guru Sorelle Armoury Paella … or whatever her name is ,.. who caught my eye because of vids on BlackRock and the hidden monopolies that are legion before us through their child-company fronts.

I had a couple of months of BookTube and basically found two who really hit the spot for me; JPBeaubien (aka “Inner Greed” in “the TWA Expanded Universe” on the “Terrible Writing Advice” channel) and JulianGreystoke (multi-talented ACE performer and parent of furry-snakes).
Oh, and, uh, whatsername Jill Bearup.
Aswellas satirical politics videos, there are a few “new” “””comedy””” tubers such as the Interdimensional Alisdair Beckett King, Jenny Nicholson, Caroline Konstnar, Stanzi Potenta, Kallmekris, Haley Kalil, CrackerMilk, the Onion, ScubaSteph, Caitlin Reilly, Eleanor Morton, Monty Python (can’t see them lasting), Robert Reich, MyMySenpali, Diane Morgan, CorridorCrew, HOOT, DarkWiperAyUp and Doug Stanhope (clips) that I like.
A few …
There’s also a crossover with fashion, beauty and humour such as Haley Kalil, Jessica Villi and Tertaay.
Emma Thorne does it all.

As a fan of the artform of animation, I had a good few months of seeing what was new (to me) and watching again some old favourites. It was expected of YouTube to recommend utter crap along with my more niche and popular preferences.

Ian Hubert’s “Salad Mug” video which is part of his Dynamo Dream universe was a thumbnail that popped-up many times before I actually watched the vid and was amazed; I looked for as much of his work as I could.
Adventurous new animators like Xploshi, Lee Hardcastle and Telepuerte.
An absolute recommend-failure was the anime-style mechasuit series “Obsolete” which was just awful for me. There are something like twelve half-hourish episodes and I made it to about four or five.
Another thumbnail that kept appearing was “Meta-Runner” and then “Sunshine Paradise” – the former looked like cyberpunk crap and the latter looked cute and fun aimed at children.
I watched “Sunshine …” and was amazed; the exuberant imagery and characters with vivid personalities was actually quite dark. I went and watched both series of ‘Sunshine” then the three of “Meta-Runner” which turned-out to also have that fun-&-dark quality but aimed at a teen-to-twenty type audience.
The studio producing those is called Glitch run by the Lerdwichagul’s, two aussie brothers with a host of talent and newer projects such as Liam Vickers’s “Murder Drones” and Gooseworx’s “Digital Circus”.
Further animation was available from the stables of “Dust”, “CGBros” and others. Dust and “Omeleto” had live action and animation, “Alter” had existentialism and horror. The CGBros introduced me to the russian sci-fi animation strand “Love, Death & Robots”.
Another thumbnail botherer was from “Dust”, a sci-fi miniseries called “Atropa” which was another well-recommended watch.

– real world –

The science “content” creators were a great hit with me; ScienceAsylum, PBS Eons, Anton Petrov, Kyle Hill, Lindsay Nicole, Sabine Hasselbackpotatoes, ScienceGirl, PhysicsGirl, CasualGeographic, GeoHub, SciShow, VlogBros, Sciencephile-theAI, Kurtsgoessaggy, the Revenge of Becky Smethurst and a bunch of other idiots.
Occassionally with the science shows there was “content factory content” which really rubs me up the wrong way especially when they go for *controversy* but even reliable creators can produce something that makes me grind my teeth if they have an opinion or belief on something that they are not an expert in AND place it in their science strand channel.
I don’t mind fringe science at all but, for instance, when people talk about climate science without having a strong interest in the field then that is just annoying.

There are sceptical and critical mode creators who also provide suggested solutions such as AdamSomething – that kind of thinking has been added to for me by Rebecca Watson (a 2023 recommendation) and Angela Collier (also 2023).
“acollierastro” is a theoretical physicist and astronomy doctorate (I don’t know if she is a professor but the title of one of her videos I still have to watch suggests she may have decided not to go that way) and has enough comedy to do stand-up or sketches (I know she won’t).
She explained in two long videos about Crackpots in science but also did a 40 minuter about the physics of Pokemon evolution. One of her videos has her playing a video game while explaining some physics concepts.
Rebecca Watson is an international treasure. One of her recent videos is about the Lindbergh Baby and normally I would have avoided it like a plague *just because* of that Lindbergh mention in the title but it has proved to be one of her best.
She doesn’t swear enough in it, though.

– legal process –

LockpickingLawyer and Hannah Akintoye are infrequent but regular recommends.
I also get recommended some other legal topic content and creators. I get the odd copaganda video pop-up but mainly cops screwing-up (you know what I mean) and the ubiquitous random traffic stop vids where the cops pull-over a lawyer or the local District Attorney.

And, there have been YouTube controversies. Controversies beyond adblockers, content theft and music copyright.
The algorithm *understands* that I like science, storytelling, languages, philosophy, history and humour; it recommended a few creators who encompassed all of those things in their output.
The French have (had?) public intellectuals; the YouTube equivalent would probably be called the “BrainTubers”.
One such tuber did a science-fiction story that I then recommended early on in 2023 on Mastodon. Over the last two months (December, January), I have had vids in the recommend feed that mention allegations against that tuber.
The allegation vids are years old and there are responses to them from the indicated tuber. There were investigations.

I have used YouTube comments almost the same as I used to do with Twitter, as a social media platform. I also have commented that YouTube creators should organise themselves along a union model (or associations). They do meet-up.
As they have issues with YouTube and the parent company Alphabet (Google) they should be applying collective pressure and collective bargaining on YouTube when these issues arise. There is no YouTube “Human Resources” dept for creators as far as I know (I haven’t looked).
((“HR” is for the benefit of companies, anyway.))
If there are problems with creators due to off-platform events then those should be dealt with off-platform in an open and reasonable manner though there would still be coverage of them on YouTube.

YouTube users/viewers should organise as an interest group, too.

– the lost world –

British Justice is supposed to be renowned world-wide. There are courts that have specialist jurisdictions such as Sport(!) and Medicine. There are bodies which have the power to launch private prosecutions (the Post Office!!!). The contracts and divorces of millionaires and billionaires are chosen to be agreed/settled in British Courts or with British legal expertise attending overseas courts.
British Justice is not a real thing.
Why would anyone expect a body run by people (especially people who are still enthralled by the notion of empire) to be filled with “justice”?
Rename it the Ministry of Legal Process.
To believe that there is a special quality to the things that British people do is to ignore what has gone on in the past, in the background and what is still going-on today.
Whaddyawant? TubeCourt?!

Despite knowing all this about my preferences and opinions, YouTube’s algorithms still put right-wing content into my feed and have created a Freemason-friendly perverted-cunt golfplaying-patriot advertising-profile for me which actually should be set to constantly random.

(The adverts I get are EpochTimes, police detective schools and stuff for the chads & techbros.)

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Anyway, I’m about to have a right proper barney wi’ YouTube meself, despite having almost no content on “my channel”!
If anything comes of it or if it turns into an on-going brain-drilling, I will update and post below.

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((i hate having to check the spelling of names))